Why Runners Fall Over and how to stop!
It doesn’t matter how experienced a runner or how old you are, pretty much all of us will and do occasionally trip, stumble or out right fall flat on our faces, it’s just part and parcel of running. That being said, there are some reasons that you might be more susceptible to taking a tumble and there are a few tips that I’ve collected and passed on over the years- as always, learning the hard way!- that might help prevent you from falling.
Is Your Rhythm Right?
Running rhythm is like finding your perfect flow, it’s having unconscious control of your running movements, your posture, your arm drive, your stride, your foot fall. When you first learn to run, all these factors are at the forefront of your mind, with practise you develop this running efficiency and rhythm.
But, even when you’re experienced enough to no longer think about your running movements, it’s still good to be aware that your now natural running rhythm can be impacted by a number of factors, for example, when you’re tired, stressed, cold/hot or even nervous.
Running cadence is the rhythm of your feet or your steps per minute; there isn’t a one size fits all figure of how many steps per minute you should aim for, to be honest most runners would benefit from increasing their cadence. Some fitness trackers measure it for you, but a DIY method to find your existing step count is to time yourself running for one minute on a flat, even surface while counting the number of times one foot lands. Multiply the figure by two to get your steps per minute. If your cadence is in the low 160s or slower when you’re running comfortably, you may want to consider stepping it up. Efficient runners tend to have a relatively high cadence, meaning they pick up their feet quickly, which prevents over-striding and enables them to harness more energy- as a mental cue to try this out, think bounce and practise consciously picking your feet up when you run.
Are you stressed out?
Feeling stressed can create tension in your running posture without you even realising it, literally as though you’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. I think we underestimate the impact that stress can have on us, it might be that you’re already feeling nervous about running in the dark so you’re already tense, you may have slipped/tripped on ice or leaves in the past, so you carry this with you. Then if you add a bit more stress to the pot, oh I don’t know, the fact that people are already talking about Christmas (just me?!), all of this tension could lead to a stiff and awkward running posture, resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy of tripping, literally over your own feet.
Top Tip
When we run in the daylight, we often get lulled into a false sense of safety by not paying too much attention to where are feet are landing because, well it’s light. The transition of running from the light to the dark is sometimes when most trips happen, so in practical terms, get into the habit of wearing either a head torch or chest torch so you can see where your feet are landing. And be aware of how tense your body might be, remind yourselves throughout the run, shoulders back and down, arms relaxed, hands relaxed and “don’t kill the budgies"!
Are you resting enough?
Are you recovering enough inbetween your training sessions, you may have increased your weekly mileage, and/or are struggling to get a good night’s sleep. These factors alone are big active ingredients that can lead to a fall. When we’re tired, we can’t be bothered to lift our feet, it’s far too much effort which can lead to a “drag” rather than a bounce, again, you might not be aware that you’re not picking your feet up. This tiredness reduces your ability to react quickly when there are changes in the terrain, or you have to jump over tree roots, or other people’s feet.
I love this infographic from
which is about life generally, but also very much applies to running and proper recovery. Sara use’s the analogy of trying to flush a toilet before the tank has fully refilled, which is useful in that it’s very easy to grasp…
Are your shoes ok?
Inappropriate or worn-out footwear that doesn’t provide enough stability can be the cause of taking a tumble. Did you know that if you haven’t worn your trainers for a while they can lose their bounce? I know! Use them or lose them, literally. The cushioning compounds in the midsole break down just the same, whether you’ve worn them everyday or left them in the cupboard for a year. The foam loses its elasticity and it’s ability to absorb shock, which of course all leads to a reduction in their responsiveness. So check your trainers out, make sure they are fit for purpose and keep you on the straight and narrow. Does this mean you need another pair of trainers? Hell yes!
Of course, you can do everything to try and prevent yourself from falling and still be taken out by an uneven pavement, a massive pot hole or a jutting out tree branch. Uneven surfaces are an obvious trip hazards, especially in the dark, and it only takes a momentary lapse of concentration to catch you off guard and send you tumbling. But if you can correct some or all of the above (or at least be conscious of them), keep focused and be aware of your surroundings, especially if the pavements are covered in leaves, you can likely prevent some otherwise likely falls.
If you’re new to running, please don’t let the possibility of falling over, or perhaps even this post, stop you from getting out the front door. Tripping is all part of the running journey, it doesn't have to define who you are as a runner. Yes, it can knock your confidence but we do bounce back. If no broken bones, shake off the mishap, and use it as a good story to share when comparing runner’s war wounds.