Frequently Asked Questions.
Sometimes it’s hard getting out of your comfort zone so we’ve put together some of our most asked questions before people have signed up to the course.
Who told you that? Anyone who runs, is a runner. By showing you the right techniques from day 1 you will look like a runner; no one knows if you have run for 1 minute or run 20 miles, they just see a runner.
The course is bespoke, there are no hard and fast rules of how much time we run for, we go at your pace. We certainly don’t run as quick as we can for a minute, recover then do that again. You learn how to listen to your breathing, so you know when you are running too quickly and we stay together as a group, no one gets left behind.
For the first couple of sessions we will go back to basics of learning how to run, for example where to put your arms, your feet, your posture, your balance and most importantly how to run and breathe at the same time.
Where we meet is very secluded, we have use of a very large car park on Solent Business Park. If you park on the main road around the business park, just after, the sign The Forum and The Bridge Deck cafe and then walk down towards the cafe, you will see the large car park on your left hand side, opposite HSBC offices, just enter the car park by the zebra crossing and I will be waiting there for you.
The places on the course are limited, you won’t turn up and find 30 people there, we keep our groups small so we can get to know you all. And everyone will be nervous, have their own stories and reasons for being there; the hardest bit will be getting out of the front door.
Wear anything comfortable, leggings, long sleeved tops, a jacket/fleece; we don’t do much running in the first week and it can get cold so layer up.
We always warm up, so our bodies are ready to be active and each week we build on learning the correct running technique, so that each week we develop the skills needed to become an efficient runner. We finish the session with a cool down.

Try a Session for Free
Join any of our weekly Running Group sessions for free, just bring yourself and your trainers